Magazine reader survey template

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Magazine reader survey template

Complete market research on magazine readership

Collect up to 3.5x more data with Typeform

Support your market research on media

Understand how people consume media in your market research. Find out what people are reading and how often. An online magazine reader survey can help you reach more respondents, and get easy to manage data.

With Typeform, you can 
customize everything

Magazine reader survey template FAQs:

It all depends on the outcomes you are looking for. Our surveys are completely customizable, so you can create a survey that’s tailored to your research.

You can find out more about magazine purchasing habits, how people consume content online vs print, and include demographic questions to strengthen your research.

You can use a number of question types, with closed-ended questions such as multiple-choice, or free text boxes, if you’re looking for more detail.

Online surveys are a great tactic to support your market research. Not only are they an efficient way to gather information, but it’s easy to share the survey more widely too.

Paper surveys mean manually typing up responses, and there’s a lot more risk of user error, or hard-to-read writing, making your research results less effective.

When it comes to reviewing your data, we’ve made this simple. Export it into a spreadsheet, integrate with a business app to sync your data there, or download a shareable report for a top-level view of your responses.

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