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Sponsorship satisfaction survey template

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Sponsorship satisfaction survey template

Listen to your supporters and find out what they think of the sponsorship program

Collect up to 3.5x more data with Typeform

Get more donations by giving sponsors a voice

The success of a sponsorship program hinges on how satisfied your supporters are. After all, keeping them happy is what will keep donations coming. Use this sponsorship satisfaction survey to find out what they like, and what they'd like more of.

With Typeform, you can 
customize everything

Sponsorship satisfaction survey template FAQs:

Ratings and Multiple Choice questions give you an overview of how you did. But it's the Long Text questions that help you pinpoint what you're doing right, and what could be improved.

Use a mix of questions for more useable data that'll keep improving your sponsorship program.

The more specific you are, the better the results will be. Ask sponsors what they thought of particular events and activities for more in-depth insights and actionable feedback.

Our surveys are completely customizable, so you can tweak them to blend with your branding. You only need to create the survey once, and share it with sponsors again and again.

It's quick to create and will help you get impactful feedback to keep those donations coming.

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