Turn a typeform response into an approval workflow
With Workflow for Typeform, requests get sent straight to the right people via email or Slack. They can approve, comment, or delegate with a couple of clicks. You'll have that getaway vacation approved in next to no time.
__What you need:__
- A Typeform account with at least one active typeform
- A ProcessMaker account (if you don't have an account, you can sign up for one [here][1])
[1]: https://www.workflowfortypeform.com/register "ProcessMaker account registration"
Here's a video to help you get started with setting up an approval via Typeform:
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1. To get started, log in to Workflow for Typeform. Select "Create Action".
2. Follow the steps on screen and first choose your preferred communication method for the approval requests—email or Slack.
3. In the next step, connect your Typeform account and then select what typeform to link. You can also choose what fields to link such as name, department, and email.
4. Once your typeform is connected, you can set up the rest of the approval flow on the Workflow for Typeform screen.
5. Customize your approval flow to your liking, click Create, and move on to connecting your action to your typeform.
6. Follow the steps on screen, copy the generated Webhook, and head over to your Typeform workspace. Choose the form your want to link, jump to the Connect panel, add the copied webhook. You're all set!