Comparte tu encuesta donde destaque.
Inserta un enlace para publicar tu encuesta en redes sociales, o copia el código listo para usar en correos electrónicos y páginas de destino.
Crea encuestas que animen a la gente a compartir más contigo. Pruébalo gratis.
Inserta un enlace para publicar tu encuesta en redes sociales, o copia el código listo para usar en correos electrónicos y páginas de destino.
Your brand is more than just your website or your logo. Keep branding consistent with your surveys, too. Our survey maker lets you brand and fully customize every survey, from themes and fonts to layouts.
Add your logo for instant recognition (and trust). Add imagery to carry your brand across all touchpoints and use brand kits to customize everything. Our online survey maker even lets you personalize the survey-taker experience.
Data is invaluable—protect it with an online survey maker that puts data security first. With GDPR and HIPAA-compliant tools, robust encryption, and secure authentication, we prioritize security at every level.
Want your designer to review your survey before launch? Or work with your team to ask the right questions? Our survey maker lets you collaborate simultaneously, no matter where your team is.
Use our online survey maker to collect data and then analyze the results with auto-generated performance reports, insightful survey analysis, and powerful data visualization.
Say hello to a fully connected, effortless workflow. With hundreds of no-code integrations, Typeform keeps you connected to the tools you use most, letting data flow seamlessly between apps.
From startups to the largest enterprises, thousands of survey makers put their trust in Typeform to create secure, powerful, and striking surveys that deliver results.
Use templates and 20+ question types to build your form, then customize the look and feel to match your brand.
Get a link to share your form on social channels, or copy ready-made code to embed it in emails and landing pages.
See the data you’ve gathered and get recommendations on how to optimize your form so you can gather even more.
"Con Typeform, nos dimos cuenta de que podíamos realizar más encuestas y no estaríamos limitados de las mismas maneras que con otras empresas de encuestas."
Chase Clark
Senior UX Researcher en Calm
Nuestro Plan Gratuito te permite crear cuestionarios ilimitados, acceder a más de 3.000 plantillas y comenzar a recibir respuestas.