Welcome to the new Typeform
You may have noticed a few changes to the way Typeform looks and feels. We wanted to give you a bit of background on what that means for you.

Hey everyone, David and Robert here—cofounders of Typeform.
You may have noticed that there have been a few changes to the way Typeform looks and feels. We wanted to give you a bit of background on what that means for you and why we think (well, we hope) you’re going to love the new Typeform.
You’ll remember that a few months back we received Series B funding. This shot our startup into a new era. Yup, we’re growing up. And growing up means matching who you are with what you deliver.
But as we mentioned in our last letter, we hardly shipped any new features to you in 2017 because we’ve been focusing on a big rebuild. Here’s the good news: now that we’ve shipped, everything we’re working on will be delivered continuously. So expect a lot more from us in 2018.
Defining who we are
For months, we had conversations with people both inside and outside Typeform to help us answer questions like: What exactly do we do? What does our company stand for? What should the new Typeform look and sound like?
Then we dove deep into the soul of our company, took a good look at our culture, and began to figure out the fabric of our community. We realized that at our core, our belief is:
Everything we do at Typeform revolves around this principle, and this led us to create a new brand that brings us closer to our promise of building the world’s first true conversational data collection platform. Because even though we produce a data collection product, our ultimate focus is people.
And we believe that if you treat people well, you’re likely to get more and better data—which ultimately helps you grow your business. It’s as simple as that.
Rebuilding our product
Until now, our product’s biggest achievement has been the user experience for the respondent. We applied concepts like asking one question at a time, using natural language, applying seamless UX and design, and running built-in logic to resemble real-life conversations.
Today, we’re ready for the next step in the evolution of our product: a fully rebuilt creation and data consumption experience.
First, the new Typeform is easier, more intuitive, and it lets you create a typeform twice as fast. The builder experience is now as simple as writing an email or drafting a document. It even includes a new live preview that lets you see your typeform evolve as you create it.
By removing friction from our product, we’ve reduced disruption from your workflow. This lets you focus on asking great questions, and applying the results you gather from employees, customers, or anyone providing you with information to help you make better decisions.
Speaking of better decisions, we’ve also rebuilt the entire data consumption experience to increase the readability of your results. So instead of reading results from a data table, your responses are now presented in an email inbox format.
The new Typeform also means a whole new architecture that significantly improves our underlying tech. Ahead of our new product, we shared our Developer Portal, which is a glimpse into this new architecture. This means you can now build apps with Typeform’s capabilities using the same technology that we used to build the UX you love.
Ready to try the new Typeform? It’s already sitting in your workspace.
What’s next?
You might be wondering what’s coming up next. Well, lots. You should expect to see even more value shipped your way this year. We’ll tackle some common requests you’ve been asking for and start taking bigger steps in making our product more conversational, more connected, and more distributed.
Again, we appreciate all your support on the road to building an empathetic, emotional, and personal product through a new brand that really reflects our beliefs. We know this won’t always be easy. We’re still learning a lot, but we promise to continue creating and growing through a human-centered approach—putting people and conversations at the center of everything we do.

Love from Barcelona,
David & Robert