E-commerce lead generation quiz template
Generate more leads in style, with this email capture form template for your online store
Get powerful user-generated content with our testimonial form template
Customize this testimonial form template and generate priceless user-generated content
User testimonials are great for improving your service, but also work as an amazing marketing tool. Post testimonials on your website for trusted opinions that will expand your customer base.
For an even bigger impact, include an option to add images or video in your testimonial form for user-generated content that packs a punch. Remember, the easier your form is to complete, the more likely your customers are to fill it in.
Integrate your testimonial form with other apps to boost your efficiency. Automatically send media files to web builders, fire a message on Slack to alert your marketing team of new content, or add participants to a list of trusted users for future collaboration.
Connecting your typeforms with your day-to-day software cuts out the leg work between receiving your testimonials and getting them published. Optimize your workflows and let customers know about the results as soon as possible.
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