E-commerce lead generation quiz template
Generate more leads in style, with this email capture form template for your online store
Test your students online with this spelling quiz template
Use this spelling quiz template regularly and make sure your students perform to the best of their ability.
By hosting spelling quizzes online, you can reach your students no matter where they are in the world. If, like many, you’re hosting online classes, it can be tough to run tests via zoom calls or other forms of video chat.
Instead, look to spelling quiz builders to manage your spellings tests for students and stay on top of their results. You can follow up with each student individually to discuss their scores.
An online spelling test is easy to build with the right tools. With the Typeform template, you can use a variety of question types to keep the quiz engaging.
After you’ve put together all of your spelling questions, you can assign a score of zero for incorrect answers and one for a correct answer. The quiz maker will then do the math and give your students their score upon completion. Track all of their results directly in Typeform and help your students to grow.
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