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Property information form template

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Property information form template

Find out everything you need to know about new listings before planting that For Sale sign.

Collect up to 3.5x more data with Typeform

From squeaky doors to square meters

Are you a real estate agent looking to ramp up their productivity? Save time on visiting properties with this typeform. It’ll help you find out everything you need to know to decide if it’s a fit for your portfolio.

With Typeform, you can 
customize everything

Property information form template FAQs:

It’s all about focus. While you’re visiting a building to measure the size of the garden, your competitor is making their houses smell like freshly baked cookies. Because they had time to bake those cookies.

This typeform collects all the crucial information about a house or building in one step. That way, you can decide if you want to sell it even faster. And if you do decide to list the property, all that data you collected will come in handy when putting that listing online.

  • Our multiple-choice questions help you segment the types of buildings—from chalet to studio.
  • With logic jumps and smart information recalls, you can use one typeform for any type of property.
  • The file upload feature in our typeforms allows people to send you floor plans, pictures, and any certificates you need to have. Are you sold yet?

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