CV application form template
No more manually storing and organizing resumes.
Collect up to 3.5x more data with Typeform
Save time and speed up your hiring process
Stay organized while collecting resumes from new talent. Build a workflow that quickly leads you to the most promising candidates.
With Typeform, you can 
customize everything
Typeforms are more interactive than your usual form. Asking one question at a time and remembering applicants’ names creates a friendly and human experience. You can keep your form simple, or add your own personal touch to it by customizing it with different themes, visuals, and colors that match your business’ branding.
Adding this form to your website is a matter of copy-pasting the embed code into WordPress or your HTML. Typeforms work beautifully on any device, so applicants can easily fill out your form from their phone, tablet, or desktop.
Say goodbye to cluttered inboxes with applications in all shapes and sizes: present everyone with an easy File Upload question and send all resumes to tools like Office 365, Google Drive, or Dropbox.
Tools like Slack and Mailchimp will help you to speed up your hiring process. You can automatically send notifications to the right person whenever a new CV comes in. In the meanwhile, keep applicants updated with automated follow-up emails.
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