Restaurant customer satisfaction survey template
Get honest feedback from customers on your food, service, and restaurant vibe
Find out how to keep your customers coming back
A loyal customer is worth much more to your brand in terms of revenue, so take time to understand how you can keep your clients coming back. This survey is a great first step to creating your loyal tribe of customers.
To provide insights to help you improve and grow, your survey should contain two types of questions. The first type allows you to make comparisons and chart your data, in Typeform this could be a range of question types from a sliding scale, star rating, or multiple choice. This will help you spot trends and understand how you are doing against previous results.
The second type is about collecting detailed feedback. We recommend you include a free-text box so that you can collect more personal experiences and suggestions to help you identify deeper problems and evoke change.
There are several questions you should ask to gauge customer loyalty. The more specific you can make them to your business, the better understanding you’ll have.
Customer loyalty isn’t just about ensuring they’ll come back, it’s about keeping your customers happy. This is your opportunity to ask them how their experience has been and how you can improve. Check out our template for some inspiration.
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