The Typeform awards 2024

Introducing our award winners

For the 2024 Typeform Awards, we asked our community to share their most creative forms—and you delivered. Celebrate this year’s winners with us!

Award categories 🏆

Reducing carbon footprints

ClimateHero's quiz has already helped 1.4 million people (and counting) calculate their carbon footprint. At the end, participants can pledge to reduce their emissions and take action for the planet.

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A masterclass in conversions

Created by Lacy, HomeTown Ticketing’s typeform has boosted key campaigns and evergreen operations, including a referral program that achieved an impressive 75% conversion rate.

See form

Matching travellers to trips

Journee’s typeform matches people with surprise trips. Travellers fill out the questionnaire based on their travel tastes and find out they're destination when they arrive at the airport.

See form

Capturing big picture insights

Kelly and Kristina designed a survey to get a deeper understanding of Reckon’s users. The insights they uncovered fueled product strategy and set key benchmarks for CSAT, NPS, and CES.

Watch acceptance speech

Applications, simplified

Delaney, manager at Canada Gives, transformed the BC Conservation & Biodiversity Awards application process with an embedded form. Switching from a PDF made applying much easier and more streamlined.

See form

Steering through the specs

Joe Manno of Utilitac created an interactive typeform for buying commercial vehicles, guiding buyers through all the specs and providing live price updates in one place.

See form

Celebrating a pillar of the Typeform community

Congratulations to des, our Community Champion, who has tackled over 1,300 user questions and replied to 5,000+ messages in our forum. He’s also shared his expertise in live workshops and webinars, always bringing positivity and support to every interaction.

Catch up on Typeforum

Did you miss our inaugural product launch event, Typeforum? Watch the replay to explore new features and see us crown our first-ever award winners!

Feeling inspired? Create your own form

It might just be a winner next year