Tenant maintenance request form

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Tenant maintenance request form

Create a smooth, orderly process for managing maintenance requests on your properties

Collect up to 3.5x more data with Typeform

Stay organized

Requests coming at you from every angle? It’s overwhelming, and tasks easily pile up. You don’t always need to be on call. Provide an online maintenance request form for your tenants, see all your requests in one place, and manage them when you’re ready.

With Typeform, you can 
customize everything

Tenant maintenance request form FAQs:

Build a simple, foolproof process, starting with a form. Create a tenant maintenance request form once, and use it for all tenants, simultaneously. Set it up with a standard set of questions for a consistent way of getting the most useful information from all tenants each time. Use instant email notifications so you know as soon as someone has completed a form, or integrate our tool with apps like Asana, Trello, and more work an easy way to keep tabs on everything.

Start by identifying the tenant by name and address. Then, ask about the problem at hand, and let them specify or even upload photos. Add multiple choices to get tenants to pick a category for the problem. This helps you see if you need new gear, or hire a contractor or specialists like plumbers or electricians. Ask tenants for a photo of the problem, so you can understand it better, and collect a dated form of evidence of the issue if needed.

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