Let's listen, learn, and win together in this new remote reality.
*Today*, you're here for… a quick check-in, some feedback
Okay then. How's *your motivation* this week?
What, if anything, is your *biggest productivity blocker*?
Finally, describe today in *one word*. Or two if you can't contain yourself.
Great! In general, *how do you feel* about working remotely?
Okay, *how come you picked* {{field:67d3303d-a6fd-4766-b71b-95184ef97820}}?
Feel free to share any *other feedback*. Questions? Comments? Advice?
Which of these best describes *your position*? Manager, Part of a small team with members of similar roles, In a cross-functional team, In a flat / semi-hierarchical department, I'm a contractor / self-employed
And lastly, what's *your email address* in case we need to get back to you? Skip this if you want
*Thanks—you're amazing* 🎉
_Pssst—Typeform enthusiast. this template uses two features from our paid plans._
1) *That jump* after question 1, when your answer determined where you landed ("Logic Jumps").
2) *This screen* ("Custom Thank You Screen").
Interested in keeping them? Hit "Upgrade" to your top right (if you haven't already).
If not, just remove this screen, and delete questions 1 and 4. That means only linear content and a standard goodbye message.