Supplier information form template

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Supplier information form template

Cut back on the busywork that comes with creating a database of suppliers.

Collect up to 3.5x more data with Typeform

Find new suppliers, fast

If the word gets out that you're looking for new suppliers, chances are your phones won’t stop ringing, and your inbox will be overflowing. This form lets suppliers show their interest in a structured way. Our integrations will handle the follow-ups.

With Typeform, you can ‹customize everything

Supplier information form template FAQs:

It’s all about how you ask. Even if you’re collecting B2B related information, you’re still dealing with humans. This supplier information form template shows you how to ask better questions that will give you better data.

You can choose from heaps of question types. Let suppliers upload files, share links, or pick from multiple-choice options. Structuring questions like that will save you time combing through the replies.

The days of copy-pasting data from responses into spreadsheets are over. Our smart integrations zap them right into the field where they belong. Tools like Google Sheets, Excel Online, HubSpot and Office 365 work great with typeforms.

Integrations also help you follow up with new responses fast. Apps like Slack can ping whoever's in charge the second a supplier hits ‘send’.

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