Track Typeforms in Google Analytics
This integration enables you to track views and visits to your Typeforms directly in Google Analytics. Great for helping you better understand your customers and see where there are opportunities for growth or improving user experience.
What you need:
- A Business or Enterprise Typeform account
- A Google Analytics account
- Click the Use this integration button, on the left of this text, to get started.
- If you already have a Typeform account, you’ll be asked to log in, and then to either choose an existing typeform, or create a new one to connect with Typeform.
If you don’t yet have a Typeform account, we’ll get you signed up, and then take you through creating a typeform to connect with Google Analytics.
- Once you have logged in you should be redirected to a screen where you will be prompted to enter your unique Google Analytics tracking ID. (UA-XXXXX-Y - You can find this ID under Property settings in your Google Analytics Admin panel.)
In case this does not occur you can connect to Google Analytics in the connect panel. Click the Connect button next to Google Analytics.
- Once saved, your unique tracking ID will appear in the Google Analytics integration on the connect panel. Now you can share your typeform, and wait for the answers to roll in!
- This completes the integration setup and the next time your form is visited, you will be able to track it in Google Analytics. Try to fetch your Typeforms URL and search for it on the behavior tab of Google Analytics.If you no longer wish to track this Typeform in Google Analytics, simply click the remove button.