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Personal reference form template

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Personal reference form template

Personal reference letters just got a whole lot more personal. Start getting more in-depth insights on your applicants.

Collect up to 3.5x more data with Typeform

Things just got personal

Your hiring process is about to get a serious upgrade. If you've been struggling with getting high-quality, meaningful personal references, here's your solution—ask better questions, get better answers, and pick the right candidate.

With Typeform, you can 
customize everything

Personal reference form template FAQs:

Typeforms turn the bog-standard form into an engaging conversational experience. And if we've learned one thing over the years, it's that this approach gets you much higher-quality responses. When it comes to personal references, this means you're more likely to get to know a candidate better.

This typeform will help people structure a reference letter, by asking them specific questions—one at a time.

Think about what you're really interested in. Is it a candidate's values, communication skills, whether or not they will get your jokes from The Office? Ask one question at a time, and keep it specific. Then, follow up on their answers by asking for examples. Anyone can say someone's a 'people-person', but how can they validate that?

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