Hello. Welcome to the team. Help us improve our onboarding process by answering these quick questions about how it went for you.
First up, can you tell us *how long you’ve been with us*? ⏳
Remember, all your answers are anonymous so please make sure the info you give us is accurate and honest.
Less than a week, 1-2 weeks, 2-4 weeks, 1-2 months, 3-6 months, 6-12 months, Over 1 year
Great! Now, to begin with, we’d like to ask about how you found *our recruitment process* … 💁 How long did the recruitment process take, from when you first applied until you got accepted for the job?
On a scale of 1-5, show how much you agree with the statement:
The recruitment process was very professional.
On a scale of 1-5, show how much you agree with the statement:
During the recruitment process, I learned about the company and my role.
Any suggestions for ways we could improve the recruitment process?
Ok, good to know! Now, we have a few questions about *the equipment and resources you need to do your job* … 📺 On a scale of 1-5, show how much you agree with the statement:
The equipment or resources I need were ready for me when I started my job.
On a scale of 1-5, show how much you agree with the statement:
After onboarding, I feel confident using the equipment and resources that my job requires.
Do you feel that you're provided with all the equipment and resources you need to do your job well?
Oh! In that case, what equipment or resources do you feel are lacking?
Excellent, thanks! You’re about halfway through the survey now.
This time, a few questions about *how the onboarding process has left you feeling about your role 👩*
On a scale of 1-5, show how much you agree with the 5 statements … I’ve received adequate training to do my role.
The information I received during training/onboarding was at the right level for me.
Now that I’ve finished the onboarding process, I’m feeling productive.
I now have a clear understanding of what is expected of me in this role.
I now have an understanding of how I can expect my role to develop in the future.
This feedback is really helping, thanks! Just a few more questions.
Now we want to ask about *how the onboarding process has left you feeling about the company 🏢*
On a scale of 1-5, show how much you agree with the 5 statements … I feel welcome here.
I feel like I fit in here.
I can see myself still working here in a year’s time.
I have a clear idea of how my role contributes to the main mission(s) of the company.
Working here is what I hoped it would be.
Thanks! Just 2 more questions to go.
*Overall, how would you rate your onboarding experience with us?* Think about duration of the training, clarity of the information, professionality, etc.
Ok. And finally, please let us know *anything we could do to improve the onboarding experience*.
And that’s it! Thanks so much for your feedback. Just press send and we’ll use your responses to make our onboarding as good as it can be!