Can you help us improve our company benefits?
First off, what department are you in?
*How comfortable* is the physical work environment in which you spend most your time? 1 is terrible, 5 is terrific
Oh. What could make it more comfortable ?
Thanks. About *traveling to and from work...*how's that working out for you? No problem, It's tolerable, It's bad
Oh dear, sorry to hear that. Why's it so bad?
Do you think you get *better or worse* health insurance cover than similar companies in the industry? Much better, Better, The same, Worse, Much worse, I have no idea!
In general, how much do you like the *daily catered meals*?
Thanks for your honesty. What would you like to *change*? Meal size, Quality, Range of options (for example adding vegan dishes), Kitchen staff
And what do you think of the *sick leave policy*? Impressive, Good, Bad, It sickens me!
Just a few more questions. All things considered, *how satisfied* are you with your benefits?
Ouch, {{field:1c532599-3859-44e0-ba0d-095c2587d2be}} isn't great. What would *make you happier*?
What would make you *even happier*?
Great, thanks! That was the last question. Don't hesitate to shoot us an email if you have any questions.
Great. And finally, we might want to follow up on some of your answers. Could we have *your email address*?