
What’s the average completion rate of a typeform?

Typeforms have an average completion rate of 57%. On desktop it’s 58%, and on mobile, 56%.

By completion rate we mean the percentage of people who completed the typeform (hit the Submit button at the end), vs those who opened the typeform.

How does Typeform get better completion rates?

  • Typeform makes forms simple, human, and beautiful. Personal, delivered in bite sized and stylish chunks: a typeform doesn’t look daunting.
  • Our philosophy of “one question at a time” makes an online form feel more human. When we talk face to face, we wouldn’t ask ten questions at the same time, as that would be overwhelming. Typeforms work in the same way.
  • We also let people navigate typeforms with the keyboard, as well as the mouse. We’ve found that to be more user friendly.
  • This approach also works much better on mobile. Typeforms adjust beautifully on mobile devices. They are easy to read, and easy to answer.
  • The Logic feature also helps. Respondents only see and answer questions relevant for them. There’s no “if you answer Yes, skip straight to question 9”. Typeforms have a very user friendly flow, and there’s no time wasting.
  • With Recall Information, typeforms also feel more personal, able to talk to the respondent by name, and remember previous answers.
  • Use URL parameters to talk personally to your respondents by recalling information you have, like names and email addresses, from your database.

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