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Use the Logic Map to add Logic to your forms

If you’re someone who likes to visualize different paths in your forms, we’ve got great news for you! You can now use the Logic Map as an interactive tool to create and modify logic, without having to leave the visual comfort of your map.

The Logic Map is a tool that lets you visualize the structure of logic paths in your form. To access it, open up a form, and click the Logic tab.


If your form doesn’t contain any logic yet, you’ll see your questions in a single line, from left to right, following the order of questions in your form.


You can check out this article to see what the Logic Map of different scenarios might look like.

If you’re working directly in the Logic Map editor, you can access the same functionality as from the Branching and calculations feature. You can also find this, and all the other logic tools under the Logic tab.

Here’s how you can work on your logic from the Logic Map.

Click the + button and drag it to connect questions and create a new logic flow.


This will open up the logic editor where you can add rules.


In this example, we want to show different follow up questions to people based on the NPS® score they gave. People who gave a lower score will see a question where they can suggest ways to improve. Let’s set this score value to lower than or equal to 7, and click Save.


You can then set the rule All other cases go to question 5, so people who gave a higher score of 7 will always jump to question 5.


Alternatively, you can drag a new path to the follow up question for those who gave a higher score using the + button.


Then set the second If rule for people who give a score of greater than 8 will jump to question 5.


The logic flow will be the same in both cases here.

Now that your logic is set up, you can click the branching icon to view existing logic on that path. Click Edit to update it, or the trash can icon to delete it.


Clicking Edit will once again open up the logic editor with a list of existing logic added to that question.


You can also click + Add rule, Delete rule, + Add condition, or Delete all rules to change your logic flow. Just make sure to click Save when you're done.

Current limitations

There are some logic types that you can’t modify directly from the Logic Map just yet. These limitations are the following:

- You can't add Logic to assign answers to different Endings directly from the Logic Map. To link answers to Endings, go to the Logic tab, and select Quiz and scoring and then click Outcome quiz. You can find out more about assigning Endings to different responses here.

- You can add scores using variables directly from the Logic Map, but you can’t access the Score quiz feature from there. To create a simple score quiz by assigning points to answers, select Quiz and scoring under the Logic tab then click Score quiz. You can find out more about this feature here.

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