
Optimize your form questions with AI

Wouldn't it be great to get some help optimizing your question texts or some new ideas on how to rephrase them? The Optimize with AI feature was created with exactly this in mind.

Optimizing your questions with AI

1. Go to your workspace and click on a form to open it or click + Create a new form to start a new one.


Once you've started writing out your questions, you'll see an icon with some purple stars next to your question text.


2. Click these sparkling stars to use AI to optimize your text.


Note! The sparkling stars will appear if you have 10 or more words in your question.

3. Now you can see a different version of your question and can simply click Use this text to select the version suggested by AI.


4. If you can resist the urge to ask AI silly questions, you can also optimize your text in a more productive way.


5. Click Rephrase if you want AI to come up with a different way to phrase your question.


That's it! Hope you'll find this little tool useful for optimizing your form questions :) 

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