
How to create an engaging event feedback form

Once your event is over, keep your attendees involved by sending them a feedback form and collecting their experiences and stories.

We love Superside's simple feedback form, so here we'll show you how they did it! We've also added optional video feedback, so you can capture attendee stories too.

1. Create a typeform with a question structure as follows:

For each event element you want feedback on, add a Yes/No question, like this:
(Don't worry about the "name" part in this image, we'll explain that below! You will come back and edit this question.)


And follow it up with a rating question:


Then a short text question for further comments:


In the next steps, we'll walk through how to personalize your form with contact information from a CRM. If you don't want to send your form through a CRM, skip to step #4.

2. We can use Hidden fields to address our respondents personally. Click on Logic, then Personalize with data, and then Hidden fields. Now add new fields for "name" and "email":


3. Go back to your first question. We are going to add the "name" Hidden Field here. In this case, it says "Hi, @name". Use the @ symbol to bring up your Hidden fields, and select name:


This lets you pipe in the names of your contacts from your CRM, and attach their feedback to their CRM entry.

Here's how to set that up in most CRMs, and also in HubSpot. Your form will feel more personal, and your data will be easier to use.

4. Lastly, add a video answer question type. This will allow your respondents to leave video feedback and stories about your event:


5. Now, we have a form asking for feedback on our event sessions. To keep it relevant for attendees, we're going to add logic to our Yes/No questions. Click Logic, then Branching, segmentation and calculations.

On your first Yes/No question, add this logic:


So, if someone answers "Yes", then they are taken to a question to rate their session , but if they answer "No", they are taken straight to the next session’s Yes/No question.

On your last Yes/No question, if someone answers "No", then we want to take them right to the final video feedback question:


Once you've added these rules to your Yes/No questions, click Save, and then Publish your form.

That's it! You can now share the form with your attendees, and use the feedback you get to improve your next event. Your video responses can be a great way to show off how much people loved your event.

Want to learn more about creating ‌engaging event experiences? Check out our Typeforum workshop here.

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