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Advanced embed options

If you want to choose how your audience interacts with your embedded form in a popup, a slider, a popover, or a side tab, the advanced embed feature is for you.

To set up your advanced embed:

1. Go to the Share panel and click Publish. Then click Embed in a web page. Select Popup, Slider, Popover, or Side tab as your embed type.



2. Now click Advanced settings on the right-hand side. 

Screenshot 2024-05-17 at 16.30.10.png

3. Toggle the switch next to Custom launch options or Close on submit to enable the settings.

Screenshot 2024-05-17 at 16.31.24.png

4. Toggle on Custom launch options. Click the arrow to open the dropdown list and select one of the options.

Screenshot 2024-05-17 at 16.32.21.png

On page load - form will launch when the webpage loads.

On exit intent - form will launch when someone tries to exit the browser window. This option won't work on mobile devices or when using a keyboard to exit the browser as there isn't a way to detect mouse movement. 

After scrolling - form will launch after scrolling a percentage of the page. You can choose between 30%, 60%, or 90%.

After a set time - form will launch after a set time in seconds. 

If you choose the Pop-up or Slider embed type, you can also toggle the Show launch button. If this option is toggled off, the form will launch automatically, according to the trigger you've set. 

Screenshot 2024-05-17 at 16.33.49.png

5. Toggle the Close on submit switch. If this option is enabled, the form will automatically close after the respondent has submitted their answers. You also have the option to enter the number of seconds after which your form will close following submission.

Screenshot 2024-05-17 at 16.37.25.png

6. When you’re happy with your advanced settings, hit Start embedding or Apply changes.

Screenshot 2024-05-17 at 16.38.56.png

7. Copy the code and paste it in a website to embed your form.

If you're using Wordpress, Squarespace, Webflow, or Shopify to embed your form, click on the dropdown to select your website builder for specific embedding instructions. 


You’re good to go. Now when people open the page your form is embedded into, they’ll see it according to your advanced settings. For example, your form will appear when they load the page, and it'll close automatically 5 seconds after they submit it.

Note! If you edit these advanced settings, click Apply changes for the new advanced settings to appear on your website. Any changes to the advanced settings will be applied automatically on your website.

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