Right To Be Forgotten (RTBF)

GDPR gives individuals the right to ask organizations to delete their personal data, this right is also known as "Right To Be Forgotten" (RTBF).

Typeform enables customers to implement RTBF for their respondents. To delete all responses from your account that contain a particular email address, you can:

  • Delete the responses in Typeform
    • Navigate to the responses page of a form. Search for the email address, and delete the responses that match. Repeat for each form that might have matching responses.
  • Create a custom script (Preferred)

RTBF endpoints are deprecated and unsupported

The RTBF endpoints are deprecated and unsupported. Prefer creating a custom script instead. If you use the retrieve job status endpoint and have not a received a Done status 10 minutes after executing the deletion request, it likely will never complete. Create a custom script instead.