Returns form level and individual question level insights for a given form.
Unique ID for the form. Find in your form URL. For example, in the URL "" the form_id is u6nXL7
Provides form level summary and detailed field level insights.
Field level insights.
Total number of dropoffs at this question.
The unique ID of the question.
Label assigned to the question.
Unique name assigned to the question.
Readable name you can use to reference the question.
The type of field.
Total number of views of this question.
Metrics aggregates counters and calculations for the results of a specific form. It provides both aggregates per platform and a global summary.
Platforms specific form insights.
Average completion time in milliseconds.
Completion rate. The number represents a percentage.
The name of the platform.
Total of responses received.
Total visits to this question.
Total unique visits to this question.
Summary of form Insights.
Average completion time in milliseconds.
Completion rate. The number represents a percentage.
Total of responses received.
Total visits to this question.
Total unique visits to this question.
"fields": [
"dropoffs": 1,
"id": "aBcDe",
"label": "4",
"ref": "060e5675-aaf4-4b53-8be8-de956aae4c69",
"title": "What is your name?",
"type": "short_text",
"views": 15
"form": {
"platforms": [
"average_time": 56000,
"completion_rate": 45.5,
"platform": "desktop",
"responses_count": 100,
"total_visits": 15,
"unique_visits": 2
"summary": {
"average_time": 56000,
"completion_rate": 45.5,
"responses_count": 100,
"total_visits": 15,
"unique_visits": 2
A developer-readable snake_case key, indicating some idea of what type of error occurred.
A developer-readable description of the error, expanding on the terse code.
An optional object containing more detailed info regarding which field the error occurred in.
A developer-readable snake_case key, indicating some idea of what type of error occurred.
A developer-readable description about the field-level error.
Which field the error occurred. This could refer to a field in the request body, request header, or query parameter.
A URL linking to help content, to aid the client developer in resolving the error. This value should be provided whenever available.
The type of field that caused the error.
A URL linking to help content, to aid the client developer in resolving the error. This value should be provided whenever available.
A developer-readable snake_case key, indicating some idea of what type of error occurred.
A developer-readable description of the error, expanding on the terse code.
An optional object containing more detailed info regarding which field the error occurred in.
A developer-readable snake_case key, indicating some idea of what type of error occurred.
A developer-readable description about the field-level error.
Which field the error occurred. This could refer to a field in the request body, request header, or query parameter.
A URL linking to help content, to aid the client developer in resolving the error. This value should be provided whenever available.
The type of field that caused the error.
A URL linking to help content, to aid the client developer in resolving the error. This value should be provided whenever available.
A developer-readable snake_case key, indicating some idea of what type of error occurred.
A developer-readable description of the error, expanding on the terse code.
An optional object containing more detailed info regarding which field the error occurred in.
A developer-readable snake_case key, indicating some idea of what type of error occurred.
A developer-readable description about the field-level error.
Which field the error occurred. This could refer to a field in the request body, request header, or query parameter.
A URL linking to help content, to aid the client developer in resolving the error. This value should be provided whenever available.
The type of field that caused the error.
A URL linking to help content, to aid the client developer in resolving the error. This value should be provided whenever available.
A developer-readable snake_case key, indicating some idea of what type of error occurred.
A developer-readable description of the error, expanding on the terse code.
An optional object containing more detailed info regarding which field the error occurred in.
A developer-readable snake_case key, indicating some idea of what type of error occurred.
A developer-readable description about the field-level error.
Which field the error occurred. This could refer to a field in the request body, request header, or query parameter.
A URL linking to help content, to aid the client developer in resolving the error. This value should be provided whenever available.
The type of field that caused the error.
A URL linking to help content, to aid the client developer in resolving the error. This value should be provided whenever available.