Specifies new values for the customizable messages in a form (specified by form_id
You can format messages with bold (*bold*
) and italic (_italic_
) text. HTML tags are forbidden.
Unique ID for the form. Find in your form URL. For example, in the URL "https://mysite.typeform.com/to/u6nXL7" the form_id is u6nXL7
Default tooltip button message. Maximum 28 characters. You can format messages with bold (*bold*
) and italic (_italic_
) text. HTML tags are forbidden.
Tooltip button message for long text blocks. Maximum 28 characters. You can format messages with bold (*bold*
) and italic (_italic_
) text. HTML tags are forbidden.
Server connection error message. Maximum 128 characters. You can format messages with bold (*bold*
) and italic (_italic_
) text. HTML tags are forbidden.
Default continue button message. Maximum 100 characters.
List of errors message. Maximum 128 characters. You can format messages with bold (*bold*
) and italic (_italic_
) text. HTML tags are forbidden.
Credit card name message. You can format messages with bold (*bold*
) and italic (_italic_
) text. HTML tags are forbidden.
Credit card number message. You can format messages with bold (*bold*
) and italic (_italic_
) text. HTML tags are forbidden.
Credit card security number message
Credit card CVC number message. You can format messages with bold (*bold*
) and italic (_italic_
) text. HTML tags are forbidden.
Text input placeholder. Maximum 100 characters.
Invalid email error message. Maximum 64 characters. You can format messages with bold (*bold*
) and italic (_italic_
) text. HTML tags are forbidden.
Credit card expiry month message. You can format messages with bold (*bold*
) and italic (_italic_
) text. HTML tags are forbidden.
Credit card expiry year message. You can format messages with bold (*bold*
) and italic (_italic_
) text. HTML tags are forbidden.
Fallback alert message. You can format messages with bold (*bold*
) and italic (_italic_
) text. HTML tags are forbidden.
File upload button message. Maximum 34 characters. You can format messages with bold (*bold*
) and italic (_italic_
) text. HTML tags are forbidden.
File upload dragging action message. Maximum 35 characters. You can format messages with bold (*bold*
) and italic (_italic_
) text. HTML tags are forbidden.
Still processing file upload message. You can format messages with bold (*bold*
) and italic (_italic_
) text. HTML tags are forbidden.
File too big error message. You can format messages with bold (*bold*
) and italic (_italic_
) text. HTML tags are forbidden.
Private form error message. Accepts variable form:name
. Maximum 128 characters. You can format messages with bold (*bold*
) and italic (_italic_
) text. HTML tags are forbidden.
Incomplete fields error message. Maximum 42 characters. You can format messages with bold (*bold*
) and italic (_italic_
) text. HTML tags are forbidden.
Key letter hint message. Maximum 100 characters.
Legal field deny message. You can format messages with bold (*bold*
) and italic (_italic_
) text. HTML tags are forbidden.
Legal field accept message. You can format messages with bold (*bold*
) and italic (_italic_
) text. HTML tags are forbidden.
Number maximum value tooltip message. Accepts variable field:max
. Maximum 64 characters. You can format messages with bold (*bold*
) and italic (_italic_
) text. HTML tags are forbidden.
Text fields maximum length tooltip message. Accepts variable field:max_length
. Maximum 64 characters. You can format messages with bold (*bold*
) and italic (_italic_
) text. HTML tags are forbidden.
Number minimum value tooltip message. Accepts variable field:min
. Maximum 64 characters. You can format messages with bold (*bold*
) and italic (_italic_
) text. HTML tags are forbidden.
Number minimum and maximum range value tooltip message. Accepts variables field:min
and field:max
. Maximum 64 characters. You can format messages with bold (*bold*
) and italic (_italic_
) text. HTML tags are forbidden.
Choose as many as you like message for multiple choice fields. Maximum 45 characters. You can format messages with bold (*bold*
) and italic (_italic_
) text. HTML tags are forbidden.
Required value error message. Maximum 64 characters. You can format messages with bold (*bold*
) and italic (_italic_
) text. HTML tags are forbidden.
Required selection error message. Maximum 64 characters. You can format messages with bold (*bold*
) and italic (_italic_
) text. HTML tags are forbidden.
Keyboard shortcut for the "No" option. Maximum 1 character.
Representation for the word "No." You can format messages with bold (*bold*
) and italic (_italic_
) text. HTML tags are forbidden.
Not suggestions found for dropdown fields error message. Maximum 64 characters. You can format messages with bold (*bold*
) and italic (_italic_
) text. HTML tags are forbidden.
Other answer message. Maximum 100 characters.
Completion percentage message. Accepts variable progress:percent
. Maximum 100 characters.
Completion proportion message. Accepts variables progress:step
and progress:total
. Maximum 100 characters.
Required field error message. Maximum 64 characters. You can format messages with bold (*bold*
) and italic (_italic_
) text. HTML tags are forbidden.
Review fields error message. Accepts variable form:unanswered_fields
. Maximum 64 characters. You can format messages with bold (*bold*
) and italic (_italic_
) text. HTML tags are forbidden.
Review button message. Maximum 100 characters.
Server error message. Maximum 128 characters. You can format messages with bold (*bold*
) and italic (_italic_
) text. HTML tags are forbidden.
Share text message. Maximum 100 characters.
Submit button message. Maximum 100 characters.
Successful submit message. Maximum 128 characters. You can format messages with bold (*bold*
) and italic (_italic_
) text. HTML tags are forbidden.
Answer confirm. Maximum 100 characters.
Legal field terms and conditions message. Maximum 64 characters. You can format messages with bold (*bold*
) and italic (_italic_
) text. HTML tags are forbidden.
Long text field tooltip message. Maximum 128 characters. You can format messages with bold (*bold*
) and italic (_italic_
) text. HTML tags are forbidden.
Placeholder message with instructions for dropdown fields. Maximum 100 characters.
Placeholder message with instructions for dropdown fields on touch devices. Maximum 100 characters.
Invalid URL error message. Maximum 64 characters. You can format messages with bold (*bold*
) and italic (_italic_
) text. HTML tags are forbidden.
Keyboard shortcut for the "Yes" option. Maximum 1 character.
Representation for the word "Yes". You can format messages with bold (*bold*
) and italic (_italic_
) text. HTML tags are forbidden.